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水彩 粉画
时间:2018-1-30 10:04:40 点击次数:12099

       陈1946年出生于中国河北,年幼时随父母南下定居湖北,青少年时期就热爱绘画,自由创作,上山下乡画笔不离手。陈1975年毕业于湖北美术学院中国画专业,经过正统的学院训练打下了扎实的绘画基本功,随后在湖北荆州从事艺术创作三十余年, 并获取中国美术家协会会员资格。陈2000年被联合国科教文组织授予“杰出艺术创作者”称号。
       陈的艺术作品多次在世界范围内参加美术展览并获奖,并且被多家艺术机构和个人收藏。 《美术报》,《中国书画报》,台湾《民族报》,《中国画家》,《中国书画收藏》,《收藏》,以及澳大利亚多家媒体上均有专题报道。个人画集出版有《陈秀英重彩画选》。
       About Artist Xiuying Chen
       Xiuying Chen is an artist originally from China, currently residing in Sydney Australia. Chen’s art works have strong personal style with constant newly input associated with artist’s experiences and feelings. Chen creates her art works with “Four Treasures” from Sino sphere world: brush, ink, rice paper,and ink stone. Chen’s art works reflect her diversified and colorful view of the world, and her positive and sunny attitude towards life.
       Chen was born in 1946 in Hebei province, China, and moved to Hubei province with parents in her childhood. Chen loved painting when she was young, always creating art with her pencils and brush, describing the countryside and urban areas that she travelled to. Chen graduated in 1975 from major of Traditional Chinese paintings in Hubei Art Institute, and accumulated solid art techniques and skills from formal academic studies. Then she was dedicated to a professional art career in an ancient city of Jingzhou, Hubei, for over 30 years, and obtained top level art membership from China Artists’ Association. In the year 2000, Chen was awarded Certificate of “Outstanding Art Creator” by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
       In 2008, Chen started living in Australia, and has since been continuing her exploration in art world, creating new art works with her feelings and experiences in this new country. Chen’s art work “Sydney Central Railway Station” won the Trustees’ Watercolor Prize 2013 at Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prize, exhibited in the Art Gallery of New South Wales.


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